No Fudging Way (Healthy Fudge)

Luckily, I discovered this fudge recipe early on in my quest to feel better. I loved it so much and was so excited about all of the different ways you could adjust the recipe to add some unique flavors that I considered starting my own healthy fudge company, called “no fudging way.” While I never took the steps to get my fudge company going, I am definitely excited to share this recipe! I hope you enjoy this fudge as much as I do.

I used almond butter to mix it up this time, but you can use mint leaves, chocolate chips, orange peel, vanilla bean paste, different berries, additional nut butter or seed butter, ginger, allspice, pumpkin spice, puréed pumpkin, etc.


  • 1 whole Japanese sweet potato

  • 1 whole avocado

  • 1/2 cup honey

  • 1/2 cup organic cacao powder

  • 1/2 cup ghee

  • 1/2 cup almond butter

  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

  • Sprinkle almonds and sea salt on top


  1. Boil the sweet potato until a fork is easily inserted (about 15 minutes).

  2. Combine all ingredients in your blend, and blend until smooth.

  3. Place parchment paper in your square or rectangular baking dish.

  4. Pour fudge over the parchment paper and let cool in the freezer.

  5. Sprinkle almonds and sea salt on top. Enjoy!




Amaro And Soda Highball