Thomas Keller Omelet

So you might be tired of hearing about Thomas Keller’s egg masterclass, or you might be excited that I am sharing the method with you to save you time. Either way, this omelet using the TK method was amazing and so simple.

As with any of these recipes, I encourage you to experiment with different vegetables, seasoning, sauces, and herbs. Mix it up! Learn the technique, and then try new things.

You can eat the omelet on its own without added ham and veggies, but I love to add vegetables to increase the nutrient density of the meal.


  • 2 eggs per omelet

  • 1 teaspoon of ghee

  • 1/3 of a yellow onion diced

  • 5 cherry tomatoes halved

  • 3 white mushrooms sliced

  • 2 ounces Applegate ham

  • Kite Hill chive cream cheese

  • 1-3 pieces Parsley

  • Sea salt and pepper to taste


  1. TK’s method for the perfect omelet:

    A. Preheat your oven 250 degrees.

    B. If you are making 2 omelets, use 4 eggs. Crack eggs in a bowl, and blend with an immersion blender or use your blender.

    C. Heat your small omelet pan on low with 1 teaspoon of ghee. Tk warns not to ever cook the eggs at a high temp.

    D. Pour half of your blended eggs into the small omelet pan. Let cook for a few minutes until the base of the omelet is thoroughly cooked but the top is still gooey.

    E. Put your omelet in the oven and cook for 4 minutes at 250 degrees. Your omelet should come out very even in color and be smooth in texture.

  2. While your omelet is cooking, chop your veggies and ham. Sautee with additional ghee for a few minutes until onions and ham are slightly browned.

  3. The trick to plating the omelet is to use a small amount of Kite Hill cream cheese to help the omelet stick together. TK used crème fraîche, which is lighter than cream cheese, but Kite Hill worked pretty well for this and was very tasty. Spread a small amount of Kite Hill cream cheese on the omelet.

  4. Pour some of your veggie and ham combination in the middle of the omelet (not too much or your omelet will break).

  5. Slowly roll your omelet up and seal with a little dollop of Kite Hill.

  6. Sprinkle sea salt, pepper, and fresh parsley on top. Add more veggies and ham on the side if desired.


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